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Come, see who is behind making Xanadu the sturdy foundation of filmmaking it is.
The following are some of the people currenlty residing in the Xanadu house. Check us out!!
Brad Robinson
Brad, a graduate of Penn State University, directed Respiration, as well as other short pieces. He has worked as a 1st Assistant Director on several independent features, include the Award-winning A HOLIDAY AFFAIR (Audience Award, 2000 Brooklyn Film Festival). He's also spent time doing television commercial work and with The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart. He is currently working on the new CBS show HACK. |
P. Gary Seith
The self-proclaimed Uber-Producer is a graduate of Drexel University. He has dabbled into almost every aspect of filmmaking and is currently working as production manager for EFP Greenworks, in Philadelphia. He also spent time with The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart, as well as working for Miramax television, where he worked on Clerks: The Animated Series. Gary has taught filmmaking at Acadia University and has headed up several independent projects of his own.
Rod Bingaman
"The Big Dogg" is the unoffical landlord of the Xanadu house. An award-winning director himself, Rod has been extremely vital and instrumental in just about any project Xanadu undertakes. His directorial feature debut, A HOLIDAY AFFAIR, won praise and awards, taking home the Audience Award at the 2000 Brooklyn Film Festival. He is currenlty living in State College, Pa where he is a lecturer at Penn State University. He recently wrapped production on his second feature film, HOORAY FOR MISTER TOUCHDOWN. |
Courtney Weeks
The heart and sole of the house, Courtney (or, known to some as Cour-te-nay) is the man behind the camera. Originally hailing from New York, Courtney also graduated from the soon-to-be-respected Penn State film program. He has shot on everything from digital on up to 35mm film. Courtney has experience in television and film, including Assistant Cameraman on the indie feture, A HOLIDAY AFFAIR, and Production Assistant on the Edward Norton directed, KEEPING THE FAITH. He is currently living in Los Angeles and is working for Panavision. He has also recently shot several short films on 35mm.
Jeff Preston
A long time collaborator of those in the Xanadu house, Jeff recently became an offical resident as he jumped behind the camera to shoot "Perfect Light," the music video for the band Stage Face. Jeff has shot numerous industrial videos, as well as the award-winning short film, Krewstown. Aside from working as an associate producer for POC Media Inc, he was recently the DP on two independent projects; one a documentary that was shot in NYC and also the indie feature, HOORAY FOR MISTER TOUCHDOWN. |
JoAnn Vara
JoAnn has received the honor (term used loosely) of being the first female to take residence in the Xanadu house. She lives in NYC, which in itself makes her cooler then any of the other residents. Her film credits range from Wardrobe to Production Designer and she has also done time as Art Director/Set Designer for The Food Neteork. JoAnn recently make the trek to State College where she was the Production Designer on HOORAY FOR MISTER TOUCHDOWN.
John Daniels
What does John do? We're not really sure. It had something to do with animation. He also dabbles a bit in computers. John did a lot of preliminary storyboard work for Respiration and is also the creator of the Xanadu logo (as well as other soon-to-be-infamous Xanadu images). He is a graduate of Philadelphia College of the Arts and lives in the Philadelphia suburbs. He can also drink a lot of beer (a trait welcomed and also required by Xanadu). |